
Intersections & Connections

Supplemental curriculum designed to integrate within core United States history, civics, and social studies courses.



Single-Teacher License Puts the Power in Teachers' Hands

In honor of creating an empowerment movement and with the support of donors, we can offer our Single-Teacher License at a steeply discounted rate of $150 for the full, supplemental curriculum - a $500 value.



Buy Now button

IMPORTANT: Use your school email address when purchasing. Immediately after purchase, you will receive an email from History UnErased with your sign-up code to Intersections & Connections digital platform. Once you register, you will be directed to the home page which includes information about our regularly scheduled office hours and monthly special sessions. 



Intersections & Connections Is Uniting All "We the People" through a Richer, More Empowering, More Inclusive Story of America.

Original, high-quality, primary source-based digital content with hundreds of teaching materials complementing 80+ thematic units, case studies, and other types of instructional resources spanning Colonial America to the 21st Century.

Students engage with relatable content as they approach their learning, whether it be race, gender, ethnicity, and/or nationality. All instructional resources are LGBTQ-inclusive and align with K-12 state frameworks and national standards:

  • Academically rigorous, multi-modal materials

  • Videos and podcasts 

  • Interactive games, posters, book lists, and more!

  • Designed digital resources & printer-friendly options

  • Much of the curriculum is also available in Spanish

  • One-step functionality to easily share with students 

  • Automatic updates & revisions

  • Automatic addition of new content



Example intro videos that bring primary sources to life and provide a "hook" for students:




Whole-School Partnership

Our partnership package for schools and districts includes customized training and is designed for perpetuity and sustainability. Contracted partner schools and districts include the New York City Department of Education, the largest school district in the world, and nearly 3,000 schools in 18 states.

Thanks to the support of grants and donors, we can offer a single-school partnership for $2,500 and a multi-school contract for $1,000 per school. Contact us to request a demo and consultation.


Full Demo of the Curriculum

Over Ten Years of Research and Development

The expertise of historians, archivists, librarians, classroom teachers, curriculum designers, instructional coaches, and education policy leaders is woven into every aspect of the curriculum and reflects over ten years of research and development. 

In 2024, we surveyed educators in nearly 3,000 schools currently integrating History UnErased's curriculum since 2022 in their mainstream courses. 87.5% of teachers responded that their students' knowledge of history and civics improved with LGBTQ-inclusive academic content.

In 2019, our leadership team co-authored the National Council for the Social Studies Position Statement on Contextualizing LGBTQ History. We are providing educators with the resources they need to realize the position statement's vision of advancing the ideals of liberty and American democracy through the process of contextualizing history, civics, and social studies.