History UnErased

What students learn in their US history classroom shapes their perceptions of liberty and equality.

History UnErased is putting LGBTQ history in its rightful place — the classroom — uniting all "We the People" through a richer, more empowering story of America.



Grassroots Approach

Our Intersections & Connections supplemental curriculum, teacher training, and ongoing support work together as a pragmatic, scalable solution to address an educational gap in K-12 history, civics, and social studies. Our approach emphasizes solutions over ideology, encourages unity through understanding, and accelerates change at the grassroots level. 


What Students Are Learning and How We Support Teachers

Intersections & Connections is a primary source-based, LGBTQ-inclusive, contextualized approach to US history, civics, and social studies education. Students engage with relatable content as they approach their learning, whether it be race, gender, ethnicity, and/or nationality. This ensures dignity and equitable representation for all students in the story of America. Our approach emphasizes and centers teacher training and ongoing support to ensure sustainability.


high school student


Students Are at the Center of Everything We Do

Our curriculum broadens students' understanding of US history and helps them connect to the topics surrounding them in today's world. From Colonial America to the 21st Century, students are engaging with a richer history that aligns with state frameworks and national standards  As students' learning takes root, it spreads into a more welcoming, engaged society. 

"This is just history! It happened. We have a right to learn about this." - Andre, Student


Example intro videos that bring primary sources to life and provide students a "hook" for our thematic units, case studies, and other types of academic content:




Amber, grade 8 teacher


Teachers Are Critical to Our Mission

Classroom teachers impact students' lives, school culture, and the community at large in many ways. And in their classrooms, in addition to the content they teach, they are the arbiters of acceptance, belonging, and respect. We listen to what teachers need and incorporate their feedback into the ongoing refinement of our curriculum, which is critical to advancing our mission.

"Your curriculum is academically rigorous and inspiring and my students love it!" - Amber, Teacher

"Like History UnErased, we want to make sure that the students and educators who come after us are not just better off, but are better than us, better at understanding, better at empathy, better at creating a world where all people belong." - Tina L. Haefner, National Council for the Social Studies President



Our successes, accomplishments, and professional affiliations speak volumes.

Since 2018, History UnErased has been partnered with the New York City Department of Education, the largest school district in the world, with ongoing funding from the New York City Council.


Partnerships and affiliations with esteemed national organizations and entities continue to grow, and include the Library of Congress, Clinton Global Initiative, National Council for the Social Studies, Organization of American Historians, National Park Service, Harvard Graduate School of Education and Colleges of Education across the country, and many historical societies. 


Our partnerships with award-winning PBS filmmakers were grant-funded and they allowed us to create classroom materials for THE HEALER STONES OF KAPAEMAHU and to advise the editing of a classroom version of the Emmy-nominated CURED  documentary and create complementing instructional resources.


History UnErased's team members were the LGBTQ History and Women's History Content Advisors for the most recent revision of the MA History and Social Sciences Curriculum Framework, and we have been a thought leader and partner with several states as they enacted policies mandating LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum, including Illinois, New Jersey, and Connecticut. 



What We Do at History UnErased

  • Deliver the only K-12 LGBTQ-inclusive US history, civics, and social studies curriculum aligned with state standards.

  • Empower educators with best practices rooted in real-world scenarios and contextual pedagogy.

  • Facilitate parent/caregiver workshops to foster meaningful school partnerships.

  • Champion inclusive education through:

    • Conferences at state and national levels.

    • Collaborations with leading organizations.

    • Corporate Lunch & Learn sessions to educate the community.


What We Don’t Do at History UnErased

  • We don’t replace current curriculum; we enhance it.

  • We don’t impose specific teaching strategies or administrative practices.

  • We don’t utilize materials that are not suitable for developmental stages.

  • We don’t focus on sexual health education.

  • We don’t establish local policies or regulations for schools or districts.